We at Agrimahiti.com offer various types of advertisement including sponsored posting. However we are strict about accepting any advertisements which is against our terms and policies.
Advertisement with us will give you access to target a highly qualified and relevant audience as per your business niche. We are India’s top free online agriculture information and training portal and more than 200+ unique visitors daily.
Premium Services :
We are offering different kinds of advertisements in our website.
1) Standard Header Banner 468x60 – Rs.1500 Per Month
- Display your banner on the top header location at right side of the website and hyperlinked to your website or webpages.
Display Here
2) Standard Footer Banner 468x60 – Rs.1000 Per Month
- Display your banner on the footer of all the pages in the website and hyperlink to your website or webpages.
Display Here
3) Sponsered By ad banner 200x200 – Rs.1500 Per Month
- Display your banner in the right side of all the webpages and hyperlinked to your website or webpages.
Display Here
4) Text Link Ads – Rs.500 Per Month
- Display your company name / Organization name and hyperlink to your website or webpages.
Display Here
5) Consultant Profile Listing – Rs.500 Per Annum
- Display your company Name and contact details in consultant list. See the example below.
Company Name:
Complete Address and contact Details:
Your company profile will display Here : More-->Consultants
Are you interested to advertise with us.?
Kindly write mail to info@agrimahiti.com or please
click here to contact us.