
News: Sugar production drops by 50 per cent due to crushing delay.. FCI expects to earn Rs 3,400 cr from wheat exports. Minimum export price of onion reduced to $800 per tonne.. Bt cotton attracting youngsters to farming in India: Survey.. Horticulture Mission leads to increase in vegetable production to 159.51 million tonnes in 2012-13.. Sugarcane growers to get incentive of Rs 150 per tonne.. Private equity firms invest about Rs 940 crore in agri-logistics and cold chain industry in past three years.. 50% subsidy to buy machineries from Tea Board..
Events: INDIA : AgriTalk India 2014 - Date: 12-15 March 2014 - Venue: Shashtri Maidan, Limda Chowk, Near Trikon Baug, Rajkot. Gujarat.. India International Seafood Show (IISS) - at Chennai Trade & Convention Centre from 10 to 12 Jan 2014.. Agrovision : 24 - 27 January 2014 - Reshim Bagh Ground - Nagpur, India.. Dairy Show : 01 - 03 February 2014 - HITEX Exhibition Centre Hyderabad, India.. The International Conference on Organic & Ecological Agriculture in Mountain Ecosystems March 5th- 8th, 2014, in Thimphu Bhutan.. India`s Largest Exhibition on Agriculture, Farm Machinery,Dairy, Poultry, Livestock Equipment & Agri Processing Technology 22-23-24 August 2014, BIEC, Bangalore INDIA.. National Agriculture fair cum exhibition Krishi Vasant 2014 - 9 - 13 February 2014, Venue: Central Institute of Cotton Research, National Highway No 7, Nagpur Wardha Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.. WORLD : INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOLOGICAL,CHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (BCES-2014) Jan. 21-22, 2013 PATONG BEACH, PHUKET (Thailand) Phuket, Thailand.. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD, BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES (FBMS-2014) Jan. 28-29, 2014 Bangkok (Thailand) Bangkok, Thailand.. 2014 International Conference on Chemical and Food Engineering (ICCFE 2014) Dubai, United Arab Emirates.. International Conference on Agriculture and Forestry 2014 (ICOAF 2014) Colombo, Sri Lanka.. Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2014, Venue: 16 - 18 January 2014 in Berlin.. Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture - 3rd to 5th Feb 2014, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (ARE).. Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2014 "Scaling Agriculture up for Food and Nutrition Security" - 16th to 18th Jan 2014, Berlin, Germany (DEU).. Seaveg2014: Families, Farms, Food -25th to 28th Feb 2014,Bangkok, Thailand (THA)..

You are Here :: Agri Business :Prawn Farming :Model Project Cost Estimation




Indicative cost of composite fish culture
A Capital Cost Amount Rs
S.No Particulars Units Quantum Rate (Rs.) Total
1 Construction of pond including digging, bund construction and compaction and consolidtion Cum 7500 15 112500
2 Shallow tubewell and pumpset 5 HP Nos L/s 35,000
3 Pump house cum store room-AC roof L/s 20,000
4 Inlet/outlet sluices 10,000
5 Nets and other implements LS 10,000
6 Aerator Nos 1 15,000 15,000
7 Miscellaneous including laying of pipe line etc. L/S 5,000
Total A 207,500
B. Operational cost for one crop (6-8 months)
1 Lime Kg 300 5 1,500
2 In organic fertiliser (super phosphate) kg 75 5 375
3 Fertiliser - Organic-Cow Dung tons 2 300 600
4 Seed Nos 30,000 0.6 18,000
5 Feed-pelletted feed Kgs 3,150 20 63,000
6 Pumping and aeration charges L/s 10,000
7 Watch and Ward Mandays 240 40 9,600
8 Miscellaneous including insurance, harvesting and medicine etc. L/s 5000
Total B 108,075
Total Cost 315,575

1 Survival 60%
2 Average weight at harvest (gms) 70
3 Total production (Kg) 1,260
4 Farm gate price (Rs.) 170
5 Number of Crops per annum 1
6 Income during 1st year (85% of total production) 1,82,070
Income from 2nd year onwards 214,200

Financial Analysis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Capital cost 207,500
Recurring cost 108,075 108,075 108,075 108,075 108,075 108,075 108,075
Total cost 315,575 108,075 108,075 108,075 108,075 108,075 108,075
Income 182,070 214,200 214,200 214,200 214,200 214,200 214,200
New benefit -133,505 106,125 106,125 106,125 106,125 106,125 106,125
NPW of cost 630,072
NPW of benefit 863,222
NPW 233,150
BCR 1.37
IRR 77%