Co 1, Co 2, Co 3, Co 4, Co 5, Co 6, Co 7, Coorg Honey dew and Surya.
Co 3, Co 7 and Surya are gynodioecious (bisexual + female) types highly suitable for table purpose and
Co 2, Co 5 and Co 6 are dual-purpose varieties for table and papain production.
Apply FYM 10 Kg/plant as basal and 50 g in each of N, P and K per plant at bi-monthly intervals from the third month of planting after removing unwanted sex forms. Apply 20 g in each of Azospirillum and Phosphobacterium at planting again six months after planting.
Fertigation technique
Apply 10 litres of water per day + 13.5 g urea and 10.5 g muriate of potash/ week through drip irrigation and soil application of super phosphate 300g per plant at bimonthly intervals starting from 3-4 months after planting immediately after thinning of plants is recommended.
Male trees should be removed after the emergence of inflorescence maintaining one male tree for every 20 female trees for proper fruitset. In each pit only one vigorously growing female/hermaphrodite tree should be retained and other plants should be removed. In gynodioecious type like (Co 3 & Co 7) keep one hermophrodite type/pit and remove female trees.
Spray ZnSO4 0.5% + H2BO3 0.1% during 4th and 8th month to increase growth and yield characters.
Crop duration: 24-30 months
Fruits should be picked at colour break stage.